Hello my lovely friends, Today's topic is gonna be quite interesting to many of you out there, I'm gonna talk about easy ways to loss some weight without real dieting, which could be such a huge pressure and stressful.
1. Salads:
See. salads before a meal, even if the meal is a bit fatty, can help you loss weight, as it takes up alot of stomach space and so helps make you feel fuller,(not to mention very healthy) thus prevents you from eating senselessly. And here I'm talking about pure vegetable salads that has LOTS of greens like cucumber, lettuce,Parsley, Arugula, spinach ...etc. also carrots and so on, with a light vinaigrette dressing.

2. Drinking water:
There is a big myth that drinking water before or during a meal can make you have a big belly, actually that is not at all true, on the contrary ,its quite healthy.
Drinking a glass or 2 of water before a meal, can make you feel fuller and so eat less, plus helps you digest better, and finally keep you hydrated ^_^
3. Lentils:
Packed with fibre, folate and magnesium, this versatile fat-free legume can be a fabulous supporting player of a slimming healthy eating regimen. Lentils, prepared any number of ways, will have you feeling as if you've eaten a meaty, even creamy, dish minus the calories and saturated fat that come with eating meat.
4. Eggs:
Only 75 calories, 6 grams of protein, and elements of almost every essential vitamin you need. Eggs can be really nutritious and not to mention affordable, and can help you really loss weight just by being in your diet regime, either poached or hard boiled.
5. Oats:
Oats and oatmeal are high in fibre, which helps you feel full – and satisfied – longer. Plus consumption of whole grains has been shown to aid in weight loss For the best benefits, fill up on oatmeal for breakfast
6. Apples:
Apples can help you satisfy sugar cravings for less calories. Trust me these nutritional red-bulls will make you feel fuller, with lots of energy and look slimmer.
7. Vegetable soup:
As a routine before your meal or a light lunch, vegetable soups is loaded with benefits and makes you feel fuller ,and the best thing you can have as many cups as you want with out feeling guilty, lots of fiber and least o calories and fats. You can put any vegetables you like, have plenty of broccoli, cauliflowers carrots, marrow or zucchini, peas and onions. you have to have some potatoes in order not to go hungry fast.
8. Almonds:
Outs of all nuts, almonds has the least fats and highest nutritious value, having a handful of almonds everyday is very useful for you skin, hair, your weight and plus it regulates your menstrual cycle.
9. Green tea:
Another powerful brew — green tea really has a multitude of health and well-being benefits. And if you are a keen into fitness it makes the perfect pre-workout drink; it's been found to increase endurance by as much as 24 per cent, allowing you to exercise longer and burn more calories. But in terms boosting your weight loss power, a study carried out by the Journal of Nutrition, drinking five cups of green tea per day can help you lose twice as much weight, most of it where we want to lose it most — around the middle.
10. Celery:
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