I was asked by one of my precious followers to post a blog about hair care and so on.
Next, is the dry hair. The main reasons for shedding of dry hair is lack of nutrition. So a blood test to check for anaemia is a good way to start. If it turns out negative that is good news, but you still should take hair vitamins (nothing in specific, just go to the pharmacy and get any hair vitamins you like) and keep taking them non-stop, cause you will never see proper results before 3 month, cause the hair cycle takes that long, 90 days. So, if you stop before that, you're the one to blame. :)
2) My tips here are regarding hair loss for otherwise healthy individuals, if you suspect aggressive unexplained loss or localized hair loss, contact a doctor immediately. There are some serious medical conditions that could manifest by severe hair loss.
I get lots of questions about hair types and how to deal with each type and reasons for hair loss...etc.
Well, hair is a pretty easy organ to maintain if we know how to, from the early start. But the truth is most of us take it for granted until its too late. Well, its never too late, but it become harder to manage and more high maintenance.
OK, so lets begin by knowing about hair types out there. Basically, they are three, it's either oily/greasy or dry or normal.
Knowing which category you belong to is pretty simple. If your hair doesn't survive an overnight without starting to get greasy, then you're definitely the greasy type. If it can take up to 5 days or even a week before it starts to get greasy then you're the dry type. Any where in between is the normal hair.
The hardest one to maintain is the greasy one, cause it requires frequent washing otherwise on the long run, the grease could actually kill it. This is one the commonest reason for hair loss and people don't realize it.
The story simply is, when you have greasy hair, and you don't wash it frequently and properly (YES, both are important) I repeat FREQUENTLY & PROPERLY, the grease accumulates over time around the hair follicles and actually chocks it to death,
and when it falls off, the grease blocks the follicle preventing new hair from coming back. Imagine someone blocking your nostrils and mouth with a block of gee!!! You can't eat or breath, you are gonna die now, aren't you??
This is exactly what happens with improper care of greasy hair.
and when it falls off, the grease blocks the follicle preventing new hair from coming back. Imagine someone blocking your nostrils and mouth with a block of gee!!! You can't eat or breath, you are gonna die now, aren't you??
The ironic part is, the solution is quite simple. It lays in the no. Of washes per week and the washing technique.
A) Regarding the no. Of washes, in summers, you should wash your hair every other day, that means around 4 times a week. In winter, 2-3 times is sufficient.
B) Now, the technique; well, listen carefully cause this is important. 1st thing you need to do, if you are at dead end stage and your hair is shedding like crazy (to know that, other than hair shedding, scratch your scalp gently with and your nail, then take a look under it, if it comes out with a yellowish doughy substance and you have just washed your hair, then you are in the red zone my lovely), is to get yourself a medical shampoo designed specifically for greasy hair, not just a regular brand shampoo. If you're still in the just oily hair zone, then a regular shampoo for oily hair will do.
Next, is to get yourself a scrubbing brush. YES, you heard me right. Go to IKEA ,kitchen utilities section, and buy a nice semi-hard scrubbing brush, not for the dishes but for your hair.
What we are going to do know is make an ex-foliating session for your scalp. We need to remove all the accumulated grease over the years and scrub it right off, and here is how.
Stand under hot water (as high as you can handle) for 15 mins or if you have a vaporizer that would be great (probably you won't, almost only hair dressers have that). Anyway, the shower will do.
What we are trying to do is to open you pores as much as possible and get the grease as soft as we can to get it out.
Next, start separating your hair into sections and put a little shampoo on that scalp section and start scrubbing with the brush as hard as you fell comfortable. Then move on to next section until you have covered you entire scalp. Then wash your hair with warm water properly.
You know it worked when you move your palms over your hair (not your fingers through your hair, we don't want your hair to be ripped off) and it gets stuck every once in a while cause its so dry. This is how greasy hair is supposed to feel after each wash. And don't go all smarty pants after this and apply conditioner !!!!! Conditioners is a NO NO.
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Finally, wash your hair with cool water to close those pores and finish your shower.
For hair styling, buy a hair serum called "zero frizz"
put a little of it on your palms, depending on how long and thick your hair is, rub it on your palms then flip your head over and apply it to the ends ONLY. Stay away from the roots. I repeat, stay away from the roots.
put a little of it on your palms, depending on how long and thick your hair is, rub it on your palms then flip your head over and apply it to the ends ONLY. Stay away from the roots. I repeat, stay away from the roots.
There you go, you are all done. Fresh clean hair.
This process needs to be done every one or two weeks, depending on how greasy your hair is. Between these sessions you need to wash your hair the exact same way but with your fingers instead. Just give your scalp a good rub massage with your fingers and the special shampoo.
Within a week I guarantee your hair will noticeably stop shedding and will feel softer than ever.
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flip your head |
Secondly, don't wash your hair unless it's greasy for a day, give your hair a chance to enjoy its self nutrition. Dry hair gets brittled easily and the hair just snaps and falls off. Also help it by an oil/cream mask bath once a week.
And use any shampoo you like for dry hair. That's it :)
Last but not least, norm hair, same tips apply for dry hair, just the frequency of washes will be more than the dry hair, but the rule of thumb is, give your hair an oily day before you wash it. And use a shampoo designed for you :)
Finally some general tips:
1) There is a normal range of daily hair shed which is about 50-100 hairs per day.2) My tips here are regarding hair loss for otherwise healthy individuals, if you suspect aggressive unexplained loss or localized hair loss, contact a doctor immediately. There are some serious medical conditions that could manifest by severe hair loss.
3) No matter your hair type, always take multi-vitamins and never stop them.
4) Eat a balanced diet full of leafy green veggies.
5) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
6) A general rule of thumb, always allow one day of greasy hair before the wash, even if you have greasy hair type.
7) Finally, trim any brittle ends every 40 days, cause they cause the body extra work to feed them in order to cure them, and they can't be cured. So all they do is pull nutrition from healthy hair.
Hope this helps and please share with me your results and experience.
Keep safe. xxxxx
7) Finally, trim any brittle ends every 40 days, cause they cause the body extra work to feed them in order to cure them, and they can't be cured. So all they do is pull nutrition from healthy hair.
Hope this helps and please share with me your results and experience.
Keep safe. xxxxx
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