Wednesday, 11 February 2015


Well, It's said that I might have my baby any day starting form the 37 th week and so now is the time to gather together all the essentials I'll need during labour and birth and for after my baby is born. In general, even if you're not planning a hospital birth, you may need to go in unexpectedly, so the advice here is to try to have a bag packed by the time you are about 36 weeks pregnant.Hospitals vary in their policies about what you are allowed to bring with you when you have your baby. You may want to take a few items from home, such as your own pillows, to make the environment more personal. But be aware that hospitals can be short on space.

If you want, pack two bags: one for labour and the hours immediately after your baby is born, and another for a stay on the postnatal ward.

If you're driving to hospital, you could leave the second bag in the car. If you have a straightforward birth, you may leave hospital on the same day and not need the second bag at all.

As for me, as I plan to stay in my birthing centre for at least 24 hours after delivery for support, I will pack all the things I need with me except for my going home outfit, which I'll send Ahmed to fetch for me cause we live 10 mins walk from the centre anyway.

Here is a list of the thing you and your partner could pack, it's not a strict list, it's just a guideline so feel free to add or dismiss any stuff you thing necessary or unnecessary. As for the baby bag, I will make a separate post later regarding that.

What should I pack for labour?

  • Your birth plan and maternity note.
  • Dressing gown. This will be useful if you end up pacing hospital corridors in early labour. You'll also need one on the postnatal ward. Hospitals can be very warm, so a lightweight one may be better. A dark colour or a busy pattern will help to hide any stains.
  • Backless slip-on slippers, that are easy to get on and off.
  • Socks. Believe it or not, your feet can get cold during labour.
  • Old nightdress or T-shirt to wear in labour. It will probably get a bit messy, so don't buy anything specially to wear in hospital. Or A Bikini top if you are planning a water birth.
  • Massage oil or lotion if you would like to be massaged during your labour.
  • Birth ball. This can help you to labour effectively. Check whether the hospital has the right size for you. If not, take your own. Remember to bring a pump so your birth partner can inflate it for you.
  • Lip balm. Your lips can dry out quickly on a warm labour ward.
  • Snacks and drinks for you while you are in labour. Isotonic sports drinks are good, or take some glucose tablets to keep you going.
  • Things to help you relax or pass the time, such as books, magazines, or a tablet computer.
  • Hairbands or a clip. If you have long hair, you may want it tied up.
  • Pillows. The hospital might not have enough to make you really comfortable. A nursing pillow can give you extra support when breastfeeding your baby.
  • TENS machine., if you are planning to use one. But this wont be applicable if you are planning on a water birth.
  • Music. Take your i-pod. Some hospitals provide their own CD players, but check first.

    What shall I pack for after the birth?

    • going-home outfit. You'll need loose comfortable clothes to wear while you're in hospital and for the journey home. It will take a while for your tummy to go down, so you'll probably still need your maternity clothes when you get home.
    • Belly belt. Bamboo belly bandit
    • Handouts about how to get breastfeeding started, which you received at your antenatal classes. If you have a contact card for a breastfeeding counsellor or specialist, take that with you too.
    • Nursing bras. Bring two or three.
    • Breast pads.
    • Maternity pads. Bring a couple of packs.
    • Nightshirt or T-shirt. Front-opening shirts are useful in the early days of breastfeeding.
    • Toiletries. Decant these into smaller bottles, or buy travel versions, to save on space in the postnatal ward. You may sweat more after birth, so take a deodorant.
    • Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste.
    • Old or cheap knickers, or disposable knickers. Don't bring your best ones as they will get messy. Big cotton knickers can be useful if you end up having a C-section, as they won't rub your wound.
    • Arnica cream. Although there's no conclusive evidence that it works, some women report that arnica cream helps to reduce bruising and helps the healing process. Don't apply the cream to broken skin.
    • Eye mask and earplugs, to help you sleep on a brightly lit, noisy ward.

      What should my birth partner pack?

      • Water spray or a hand-held fan, to cool you down while you're in labour.
      • Comfortable shoes. They may be pacing the corridors!
      • A change of clothes. Your birth partner might not get the chance to have a shower for quite a while!
      • Bendy straws, to help you to have a drink during labour.
      • Swimwear, if they want to join you in a birth pool.
      • Mobile phone and charger. If their mobile has a stopwatch/timer function, they can use it to help time your contractions. Or if they have a smartphone, there are apps available that can do the job for them.
      • Digital camera or camera phone to take photos or a short film of the birth and early moments with your baby.
      • Snacks and drinks. You don't want a dehydrated, hungry birth partner looking after you. If they bring some snacks and drinks with them, they can stay with you, rather than leaving the room to search for food!

      Well, that is all for today. Mommies everywhere good luck for you and wish luck for me.

      From Salma with love. XXXX
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