Wednesday, 21 January 2015


I had a pretty hectic 2 years, and i completely forgot about this blog, Well, to sum it up, I got married and currently 33+ weeks pregnant. and as I said this is a random blog, so most probably what its all gonna talk about from now on is pregnancy, babies, fashion, and baby fashion...etc.

Today I would like to talk about a pregnancy horror I have been facing lately, a condition called "symphysis pubis dysfunction", cause I'm really suffering from and surprisingly no one ever mentioned this to me when I 1st got pregnant !! with all the crappy stories they tell us about pregnancy, they forget to mention THIS!!!!!!
 While your pregnant, your body produces a hormone called "relaxine" which works on relaxing your joints , especially that ones in your pelvic to aid for an easier labour. Sometimes the hormones over works itself and can relax a joint called "symphysis pubic" which is located just under you
r pubic area, and cause it to loosen and separate more than the normal range, this can cause excruciating pains, limit your ability to lift your leg off the floor (let alone walk), makes it extremely painful to role in bed, or get up from the bed, u can even hear cracking sound coming from under your belly. Long story short, its almost as being paralysed plus the pain. I have researched a lot, and found a few solutions to the problem, it doesn't completely go away OBVIOUSLY, but makes more tolerable until you have your baby.1) is called SPD support band, which helps snuggling your SP joint as close as possible and so minimizing the pain. U can research where to get it exactly or you can buy it over ebay or amazon (u can almost find anything u want there😍) or the other cheaper option or if you can't get ur hand hands on that, is the tying your low waist area with a compression band , just like the one u tie your sprain ankle or wrist with. Just make sure its snug enough , but not tight as not to cut your blood supply or hurt u. I personally tried it, and it works wonders, and i'm planning on buying the band soon as I'm afraid I might get bigger as the baby descends its head to engagement.
2) physiotherapy which is very helpful, just make sure you wear the belt after it fix the alignment of the joint after the physiotherapy. I"ll post a link to a very helpful youtube video.

3) is pain killer a.k.a paracetamol ONLY, if its just too much for you, but I honestly avoid taking meds as much as possible.
Hope that was helpful, for moms to be who is suffering as im 🙈, but motherhood is worth the pain, isn't it? ☺️
Have a lovely day 😘

READ more about "symphysis pubis dysfunction" here.
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