Monday, 13 July 2015


First I would like to start with an apology since it has been 2 month since I last shared a post, but I have been either busy or suffering a bit with pregnancy blues, which I will discuss in a separate post in a few days. But I try to be back on track now and often.

I have been asked many times about how I got my body back after pregnancy, and how did i get rid of any bumps and lumps.
Well the truth is, I haven't really got my body back yet. My scale is still not to its original numbers yet. But I'm on my way.
I was planning on posting about what I have been through to get my body back, once I actually get my body back, but since I get asked a lot, I thought why not share every part of it along the way??

Let's 1st put some basics, which I think make a difference in general and made a difference in my case in specific. 
I was a fit person to a great extent before I got pregnant, and I always had a strong body muscle construction. My belly was quite flat and tough for as long as I can remember. And I think that helped a lot with my recovery process.
a few days before birth

Day 1 post-partum:

Don't expect your belly to fall back immediately like a balloon when the baby comes out. You will have a belly of the size of a 4 month pregnant uterus, only flabby instead of firm.

I lost 9 kilos on spot, dropping down to 73 kilos

I started wearing a belly bandit immediately after I gave birth, and it helped a lot to get my belly back in place. This is the kind I used, and I got mine in medium size which I regretted later, I should have gotten a smaller size. As in a week later, I reached its maximum folding capacity and my belly wasn't tucked in enough yet.

Week 1:

My belly was almost back in place, but because I almost had an epidural, and didn't at the last moment, they gave a lot of saline fluids (a fluid filled with salt) to sustain my blood pressure as the epidural causes a major drop to it. As a result, I retained fluid in my body and I stayed oedematous for an extra week or so, and my shoes were still tight, and some didn't still fit at all.
one week after

At this stage I was still 73 kilos, I would have dropped more faster if it wasn't for he fluids.

Week 2:

By the end of week two I dropped to 70 kilos on my own, and my shoes started to fit and my jeans started to pass my hip point again but won't close, which was a great turning point to me cause I never imagined I would get to the possibility that I won' be able to fit into my jeans again. I still remember how depressed I was the last month of pregnancy when i could fit nothing but jeggings and leggings :'(
2 weeks later when i could fit into jeans again

Week 3:

By the beginning of week 3 I was suffering with Layla and breastfeeding and my mum advised me to give up cause it as not going to happen, so I stopped breastfeeding and dried out my breast (check out the blog post I wrote about how to dry up breasts quick and effectively ) 
and I started a one week diet
that claims to make you lose upto 5 kilos if you follow it strictly. I followed it with a bit of slips and I lost 4 kilos where I finally reached 66 kilos at the beginning of week 4, along with a 5 kilometres walk 3 times a week.

1 month after birth:

officially 66 kilo, most of my clothes are fitting again, some are comfortable ,some are tight.
My belly started to become flat again with a small pouch under my belly button, which is hardly visible when standing, but I'm still not comfortable with tight dresses.
1 month

Now; 4 months later:

Honestly when I came back to Egypt I started getting lazy, so I was stuck with the 66 kilos for a while, until when layla was 3 months old, and up until now I haven't started exercising, which I plan to start after ramadan. But during the last month I dropped an extra 2 kilo and I'm only 2 kilos away from my pre-pregnancy weight which YAY, but still 6 kilos away from my pre-marriage weight which is my goal weight and I intend to go back to very soon inchalla :)